Monday, August 3, 2009

I hate life sometimes

Don't you? Well, the reasons are...
First: Today I was supposed to go to a week long scout camp. I didn't want to, so my dad sent both, my scout leaders in to get me to go. You know how mad you get when you don't want to do something and your mom or dad sends someone else in to get you to do it? Thne you know how I felt.
Two: I have to start school again. There are highs and lows. I get to see G1 again and all my best friends. (Not that I didn't see them over the summer.) I am also just excited to get to be occupied again! FINALLY! The lows are that I have to get up really warly in the morning. Sucks. Lots of homework, too.
Three: I've been losing the internet a lot lately, and I'm trying to turn that around. Usually, now, whenever my dad tells me taht it's time to get off, I roll off of my chair, race the few inches to the internet box, grab it, dash out the door, and have it hid safely in my room before he can process what happened :P.
Well, that's about it. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. you forgot the part where you hook the internet box right back up again as soon as he leaves the room.
