Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello again, all.

Hi guys! Sorry that I haven't posted in forever, but I had some things going. I also think that I stopped liking G1, because I heard that she did some bad things. Well, let's change the subject.
You heard that I went to Bear Lake, right? It was some vacation. Misery... I guess. It was hard to fall asleep and I got sick and my dad is still there and the babies were always crying and... and... ok my mouth is hurting I should stop.
Well, I got my book published. I am happy! The place to go to buy it is and go to the top and search FIGHTERS in BOOKS. it should be towards the top and it has a picture of an air-soft gun on it. Oh, and it says that t is by Trenton Abeck but it is actually by me. that is just my screen name and on the cover of the book it says that it is by tanner tate. Please go buy it!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Yea baby. This is me when me and my sis were hangin in the garage.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Well, life is awesome, I guess

Well, I guess I have to say that life is awesome. School is over, no mroe thinking about girls, no more homework, and I feel like I am pretty relaxed. Which one of these is not true?
The answer is the second one. I can't stop thinking about G1. It sucks because I can't focus on anything else! Oh crap!
Anyway, I am so glad that school is over! It is so much better! I am sooooo relaxed! I also am almost done with my book, and if you want it just comment and give me your email and I will email the whole thing to you. Well, I gotta go. See ya!